How It Works

100 M tons of hydrogen are produced each year but less than 1% is low carbon. Existing plants are using 100-year-old technology where carbon collection is too expensive. The SMR and ATR processes also use up a great deal of feedstock, water and space.

We have solved all of these problems with a patented 3-stage fluidized reactor process that produces 99+% pure hydrogen while capturing 95% to 99% of the carbon as concentrated CO2.

Disrupting Grey Hydrogen
Scale from 2 MW to 1.4 GW

Legacy SMR/ATR plants were designed for large grid use starting at 50 MW without carbon collection. Our modular plants are optimized for use directly at AI Data Centers or refueling locations. We asemble from 40' containers with carbon collection integrated into the design.


Less feedstock


Less water


Smaller footprint


Carbon capture

Currently, green hydrogen is just too limited and way too costly for use in most of the applications that we are addressing. However, we can easily work side by side with green sources in what is called Turquoise. Hydrogen.

Green Hydrogen Scarcity & Cost


Pure hydrogen